NEWS RELEASE CONTACT:     Rev. David A. Hart, Esq.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE       [email protected]

Blacks for Political and Social Action, Inc., (BPSADC) is a Political Action Committee (PAC) committed to the advancement of economic and social justice for Black citizens in Dane County.

We are charged with the responsibility of advancing diversity, inclusion, equity and justice in sectors that adversely impact Black citizens.

We facilitate the identification of issues and concerns of Black citizens and raise these matters with political candidates that affect our community.  As such, we endorse candidates that views and positions are in alignment with our PAC.

The following candidates are endorsed for the Tuesday April 4, 2023.

District 2

  • Alderwoman Julianna Bennett

District 9

  • Nikki Conklin

District 10

  • Alderwoman Sheri Carter

District 12

  • Amani Latimer Burris

District 14

  • Isadore Knox, Jr.

District 16

  • Alderwoman Jael Currie

District 18

  • Alderman Charles Myadze

District 20

  • Alderwoman Barbara McKinney

We wish all our endorsements Victory on April 4th, 2023.

David A. Hart, Esq.                                        Kirbie G. Mack

President                                                         Vice President

BPSADC, Inc.                                         BPSADC, Inc.